SAPPHIRE NOW And ASUG Annual Conference 2018 Highlights

SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference 2018 Highlights

With an event jam-packed with keynote presentations, seminars, workshops, technology demos, and hundreds of education sessions, chances are that you will be missing out on some of the action. It’s the biggest SAP event where you’ll be able to find some valuable information and resources to help you do your job more efficiently. SAP customers and product experts alike are able to mingle, collaborate, and have some game-changing conversations for their businesses. While I won’t be able to touch base on everything that was covered at SAPPHIRE NOW + ASUG Annual Conference, I can definitely highlight some of the key takeaways from the event. (You can also find a catalog of the education sessions here!)


Intelligent Enterprise Opportunity

With intelligent enterprise as the core element necessary for customers to adopt new, ever-changing business models for continuous growth and improvement, it’s no wonder why Hasso Plattner, Chairman of SAP, delivered his keynote presentation focusing on intelligent enterprise. Technology is rapidly evolving and the value of labeling products and services as “intelligent” is continuously rising. Plattner, who says SAP has been rigorously developing their systems, will start focusing on deploying their services.

SAP is Going Big on CRM

SAP recently released a statement about a new vision for CRM and at SAPPHIRE, they announced a new product suite, C/4 HANA. This is a huge step towards being a solid competitor in the CRM software market — especially with market leader, Salesforce. SAP C/4 HANA’s unified suite of cloud solutions will offer SAP Marketing Cloud, SAP Commerce Cloud, SAP Service Cloud, SAP Customer Data Cloud, SAP Sales Cloud, and SAP Customer Experience.

SAP Cloud Platform on Three Public Cloud Providers

As SAP shifts their focus on CRM software and strategy along with the release of their new product suite of cloud solutions, they announced at SAPPHIRE NOW that their cloud platform now integrates with three of the biggest public cloud providers: Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AW). This really demonstrates SAP’s commitment to continuously expand and improve its multi-cloud services.  

Solution Manager and Leonardo

If you’re using SAP Leonardo, SAP Solution Manager will be your best friend. You’ll be able to leverage Solution Manager processes and capabilities to better manage Leonardo scenarios. That’s because a lot of lifecycle management activities are required when utilizing SAP Leonardo such as modeling processes, monitoring interfaces, testing your developments, and changing back-end processes.

Well, there you have it! After four days of SAP collaboration and fun, SAPPHIRE NOW came to an end. If you didn’t manage to meet us at this show, you can still meet us virtually! Use this link to make an appointment with us if you’d like to discuss or get more information about how we can help you with your SAP systems.

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