ServiceNow Connector For SAP ChaRM, ITSM & Alerting

ServiceNow Connector for SAP Solution Manager ChaRM, ITSM and Alerting

CoreALM is excited to announce one of many products that have been designed and created to better serve the SAP community. Our experts here have 20+ years of experience working with our clients so they have curated a line-up of products and services that serve as a solution to a lot of hurdles clients may face.

The first product in our line-up is the ServiceNow Connector 2.0. A step up from our first ServiceNow Connector release last year, we’ve made some improvements that are tailored to use alongside SAP Solution Manager to create high-value actionable alerting.  Our connector is an out-of-the-box solution that enables bi-directional integration between ServiceNow and SAP Solution Manager 7.2 for Change Request Management (ChaRM), IT Service Management (ITSM) and SAP Application Operations (AppOps) Monitoring Alerts.

The ChaRM bi-directional integration with ServiceNow means that the ServiceNow Connector supports ChaRM, Incident Management, Technical Monitoring, and Alerting.


SAP Application Operations (AppOps) Monitoring Alerts integration with ServiceNow Event Management

The Connector for ServiceNow Event Management allows the enterprise to maximize their ServiceNow and SAP AppOps Alerts by integration them. The system consists of User Experience, Integration, Job, and HANA and BI Monitoring, which can all be alerted in Incidents Now.

Simply put this allows for all your Service Requests to be in synch with your SAP Solution Manager ChaRM and TechMon.


1. Flexible Dynamic Mapping

Mapping of different change types, status, and fields between ChaRM, Incident Management, Technical Monitoring, and Alerting with ServiceNow Change Control and ITMS. SAP Monitoring consists of System, User Experience, Integration, Job, and HANA and BI Monitoring, which can all be alerted in Incidents Now.

2. Out of the Box Implementation

The ServiceNow Connector supports ChaRM, Incident Management, Technical Monitoring, and Alerting all out of the box. It ensures that all historical and current data is available to each Change Incident, that was moved in ChaRM with full context, in real-time.

3. SAP Application Operations (AppOps) Monitoring Alerts integration with ServiceNow Event Management

Filter incoming events to reduce noise and automatically generate only qualified alerts that create incidents. The integration of SAP Solution Manager with ServiceNow helps the customer service and development teams run efficiently, in real-time. This, in turn, helps resolve customer issues faster.

4. SAP Solution Manager Integration

Traceability for Change Requests throughout the SAP Landscape, Visibility into customer issues and priorities, No dependency on manual communication for making business decisions. Reduction of documentation of the time needed to document by 1/2.  Provides access to and documentation on change which works to reduce Audit access and simplifies the process.

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