What's new in SAP Focused Build SP3
SAP released SP03 for Focused Build addon for SAP Solution Manager with many new features to improve project execution. Focused Build is a turnkey solution with accelerators such as S4HANA best practices content to jump start your implementation and complete validation workshops based on out of the box pre-activated S4HANA system.
Project Management Improvements
- An Improved SAPUI5 experience for setting up and managing y our Focused Build Projects. Project filtering has been improved and can now be set as variants. More filter fields like date range has been included and projects can be easily added to favorite list. This helps users to simplify their project setup, administration and quicker access to their most relevant Focused Build projects.
- Project Phases and Q-Gates for Phases and Waves can now be managed in SAPUI5 app and are displayed in Gantt Chart
- Simplified and efficient Risk Management for Focused Build Projects by improving Risk Management for Focused Build Projects in SAPUI5 app. You can now create risks for your projects, change assignments and mass change project risks with new UI elements.
- Multi-language support has also been added for Focused Build Projects. You can edit name and descriptions in multiple languages and while your landing page is displayed with your logon language, project details dropdown can be used to switch between languages
Process Management Improvements
- A new conflict display in dropDocs and integration to Work Package and Work Items. This display conflicts on structure level and at element level in the drop area of the documentation. This helps with the visibility of conflict situations coming from concurrent users editing the same elements and or documents in different branches.
- For new Work packages/Items, auto-creation of required documents based on document KPI definition allows for a more simplification of documentation creation, Work Packages & Work Items have specific deliverables such as documentation and test cases and these templates are automatically created.
Requirement Management Improvements
- Now you can do an initial upload of the Requirements to the design branch with automated assignment to the process structure if the process structure and requirements have been defined
- Feature details: Preparation (Ex- and import Process Structure to target solutions)
- Feature details: Run report (Reports can be run in test mode and the result is that all requirements are uploaded and linked to process elements and set to status draft)
- In the Requirements search, you have extended search options and you can now search for multiple process elements and the assigned Requirements. You can also search for a fragment of a Requirement ID; several IDs separated by commas; a combination of several and fragmented IDs, separated by commas or semicolon; time range
- Assigning an existing Work Package to a Requirement is now easier with the new search field for one or several Work Package ID(s) or Work Package status
- The new filter section allows for the efficient selection of your Requirements in the same status, e.g. to immediately see which ones need to be approved. The ‘Unassigned’ filter section allows to quickly display your Requirements where no Work Package is assigned so far
Work Package / Work Item Improvements
- Email Notification when status of WP & WI change
- Automated copy of attached documents from Requirement to assigned Work Package
- A new authorization object allowing the control of the dates fields on the Dates tab in Work Package and Work Item
- Create Defect Correction out of Work Package directly, without test plan, test package and defect
- New fields to maintain Value and Effort Points to allow efficient Wave backlog planning on Work Package level. This allows a calculation of the Work Package Priority, e.g. to give those Work Packages a high priority which development brings a high value with a small development effort.
- Additional Filter Section for Status and Overdue Documents that allow the filtering for single or combined status values for WP & WI or overdue WP & WI
- Automated population of Project Manager field
- New Test Management tab in Work Package that displays who Test Packages and Test Plans the Work Package are assigned to
- A new Business Role Tester feature allows the assignment of testers to Work Packages. The assignment is helpful as designated testers find them to be tested Work Package via their My Work Packages tile
- New fields showing who created and last changed the document
- Create Defect Correction as Follow Up Document in Single Functional Test: Additional option for customers who prefer to perform SFT without Test Suite integration
- Mass Change Application – Improve Selection Possibilities that allows efficient status overview and backlog planning
- Mass Change Application – Combined view for Work Items that allows evaluation of all Work Items to be developed within a specific Wave, Sprint or Release
Defect Corrections Improvements
- Enhance Flexibility for Defect Corrections with Priority ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’, which are not finished in time
- Defect Corrections with Priority 3 and 4, which have not yet been set to status ‘Handed Over to Release’ (and all related Documents as Work Package, Work Items and Defect) are automatically handed over to the next Wave, when the Release Cycle is switched to Phase ‘Hypercare’
- Defect Corrections with Priority 1 and 2 must be set to status ‘Handed Over to Release’ and have to go live with the current Release
- New Check: Release Cycle cannot be switched to Phase ‘Deploy’, in case that not all Defect Corrections with Priority 1 and 2 have been set to status ‘Handed Over to Release’
Scrum Board API
- Show dependencies directly in a Scrum Board for Work Items information about related Work Items
- Additional methods are provided to build a Kanban Board for Defect Corrections.
- CoreALM Agile ScrumBoard integrated with Focused Build
Test Suite Improvements
- New improved landing page for My Test Executions with integrated search field that allows for easy and fast searching for related Test Packages. My Test Executions has also been improved performance and improved e-sign to sign off test results
- Test Step Designer sees improvements like integration into Solution Documentation search functionality and integration with Solution Export / Import
- UI improvements like customized columns, multilingual Test Cases in Test Steps Designer, My Test Executions, Test Suite Dashboard and Test Reports
- Direct uploading of Test Steps from Document in Test Steps Designer to Solution Documentation and mass deletion of Test Cases
- New Test Case groups and bookmarks in Test Steps Designer to help find preferred and recently changed test cases easier and faster
- Change Log Tab in My Test Executions displays the change history of test step data that is centrally accessible
- Automated test cases can be executed from My Test Executions
- Changed behavior for Test Step Executions that presents a new save button that saves all changes at once or change previously set status even if statuses for other steps have already been set to improve performance and usability
Dashboard Improvements
- Solution Readiness Dashboard: New columns have been added to the Requirements table view (Category, Classification and Owner)
- Release Dashboard: new Mass Change Integration interface that allows for selection of work packages, work items and defect corrections via release dashboard and transfer to the mass change application
- Release Dashboard: Tiles can be hidden and not displayed for information that is not needed
Other improvements
- Cutover: Support for Release Cycle in the form a cutover check and support for SMRE
- Cutover: New Check for Development Conflicts inside Cutover check against existing CSOL for target landscape to prevent overwrite of of changed objects
- Cutover: Enhance Application Log that logs all Cutover Checks and check for former results of Cutover Checks
- Cross Landscape Distribution: Strict-mode allow Single Workbench Objects instead of packages
This is just a list of the many great changes in Focus Build Support Pack 03. If you are looking for more information, check out our workshop on How to Achieve Faster Project Delivery with Focused Build. Also, if you have any questions about upgrading or how you can leverage Focused Build to help your team with upcoming projects, feel free to reach out to us today!