3 Levels of SAP Application and SAP Technical Monitoring for SAP ECC and S/4HANA
SAP Application Monitoring (a.k.a. SAP Technical Monitoring or TechMon) is a group of high value and robust monitoring applications within SAP Solution Manager. SAP Solution Manager is included with your company’s SAP Enterprise Support contract. Since companies don’t have to write a separate PO/check for SAP Solution Manager functionality, we often refer to standard SAP Solution Manager capabilities as being “free”.
From our experience, there are 3 different levels of SAP Technical Monitoring which each can be deployed with increasing value as well as increased cost:
- Level #1 – Standard SAP Solution Manager Application Monitoring (technical monitoring).
- Level #2 – Focused Insight. Purchase add-on to SAP Solution Manager
- Level #3 – CoreALM Custom HTML5 Dashboards and Analytics
Level #1 – Standard SAP Solution Manager Application Monitoring (technical monitoring)
SAP Technical Monitoring is often time the first functional capability that our CoreALM team configures after installing a new SAP Solution Manager. Customers appreciate the immediate value that SAP Application Monitoring brings to their organization. They like the graphical interface and proactive aspects of the toolset. SAP Application Monitoring includes a number of different monitoring tools.
The most commonly deployed solution in the SAP Solution Manager Application Monitoring toolset is System Monitoring. System Monitoring is used to provide proactive monitoring and alerting for both SAP and non-SAP systems. This tool can be used to monitor the application, operating system and database layers of servers in your IT landscape. Some of the other monitoring capabilities in the Application Monitoring toolset include:
- User Experience Monitoring – Ensure remote systems are connected and executing correctly
- Integration Monitoring – Ensures integrations are running and executing correctly
- Job Monitoring – Ensures scheduled jobs are running and executing correctly
- HANA & BI Monitoring – Ensures these systems are running and executing correctly
Level #2 – Focused Insights. Purchase add-on to SAP Solution Manager
Customers looking for more options and the ability to create custom dashboards, may consider purchasing SAP Focused Insights. Custom monitoring dashboards can be created to track strategic goals, service levels and operational health. Focused Insights has proven to deliver increased value from company specific monitoring and alerts. Focused Insights also has proven to expose to its customers that there are still many more possible areas of interest that cannot be addressed by either SAP Solution Manager Application Monitoring or Focused Insights.
Level #3 – CoreALM Custom HTML5 Dashboards and Analytics
Customers that may have exhausted all the capabilities of both SAP Solution Manager Application Monitoring and Focused Insights, or are looking to fulfill a company specific requirement, may want to consider custom monitoring. As mentioned previously, SAP Solution Manager can be configured to gather all types of system, application, interface, and job data. Often times customer want to slice, dice and view the data in formats that are more acceptable to both their business and IT users.
Our CoreALM team has become proficient at exposing data from a variety of SAP tables and publishing the data in HTML5. SAP data can be combined with non-SAP data to present very interesting and useful metrics. The HTML5 format allows the analytics to be read on any device. Please contact us at info@corealm.com to learn more.